Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Extreme Poodles

Check out the trailer for "Extreme Poodles"
TLC 9 pm Sunday June 13th 2010

Watch for our Canadian Groomer Nina and her dog Jecht!!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

HST Alert

HST Alert

Please be advised that as of July 1st 2010, we now have to charge 12% in HST tax versus
the 5% GST you are charged now.
For Example:
If your groom fee is $50 you now have to pay an additional $6 HST = $56.00
This is an additional $3.50 of pure tax to what you pay currently!!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Just so that everyone knows, please only ever use the front door to enter our salon.
We had a new client think he could enter into the salon through the back door and get a very unpleasant surprise when 3 Great Danes greeted him with hackles raised and teeth bared!
They do not take kindly to people "sneaking around" and protect our staff very well.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Dog Show

If you haven't already gone out to visit there is one day left to go see the Dog Show out in Chilliwack. Check out their website for all the information as to what breed is on when!
For future shows, visit Western Dog Show or

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Something Different!!

Try something different.
If you have a cutie-patootie like this little guy -
try a Mohawk!!
When the hairspray is out it falls down and looks like a normal fluffy head.

... or you could try highlights on your pooch, and go from bland...
... to colourful!! Be the envy of the neighbourhood!
Stanley wanted to go from his natural girlie apricot color to a more manly blue!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Cancer Detection Test!!

They now have a test to detect cancer in Dogs and it was done in Richmond, BC!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Hand Stripped Irish Terrier

Before Hand-Stripping
After Hand Stripping
Such a good dog! She was a trooper on the table and has the sweetest temperament.

Ice Chapter One

I filmed this a bit ago, but just had the chance to put it together and upload it!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

NorthWest Expo

For all of those people that like to see us compete in the Grooming World, come cheer us on in Tacoma, WA on March 20-21st 2010

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Tip #4

All you need is a brush and comb - honest!

A Universal Slicker which looks like this:

And a comb that should look something like this:
Use the slicker and make a line down to the skin, then line by line slicker any knots out of your dogs coat. Once you have done this, use the comb and check your work with the slicker.

Be careful not to slicker burn your dog (scratching your dogs skin with the slicker).
If you spend just 15 minutes a day on your dogs coat then you can have a beautiful full coat and never have your coat shaved bald due to matting that is so bad it can't be combed through.

Here are a few examples of shave-offs:

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Getting Ready for Valentine's Day

Here is Cheri, showing off a very tight Palm Beach
(unfortunately she was too matted to save much more)
so I thought she needed to show off a bit of sass with a touch of colour!
We are able to add a touch of colour to your pet during it's next visit if you would like to try something different! All colours used are non-toxic, child and animal safe, can be wash off or semi permanent. Contact us for more information.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Tip #3

Talk to your Groomer! I can't stress this enough. There might be things that you don't feel are important to tell your Groomer, but small things can end up being a big part of the picture. Rear dewclaws, new lumps or warts, a vet surgical site, or a ripped nail are all things that you need to pass along to your Groomer.
For your dog's sake make sure that you take that extra 5 minutes to let your Groomer know what's going on, it will make a difference!

This owner forgot to mention that their dog has a stainless steel set of canines! Can you imagine the damage this dog could inflict if it wasn't a big love-bucket?!?

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Fun Day at the shop

Lorek was such a good sport today as I tried some new product and a stencil I cut out of cardboard.

For a small fee Lorek will come to your house and drool on your loved ones for you - please pre-book for Valentine's Day as we suspect he will be busy!! Just kidding!!
As a side note for anyone who is worried, all products used in our salon is made for animals, completely natural, and safe!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Tip #2

Don't leave collars on coated dogs (single or double coats). Leaving collars on dogs while in your home causes unnecessary matting and coat destruction. We've even seen dogs that are bald around the neck from collars that break coat.
Not only will it cut down on struggling when you sit down with your dog during brush time, but your dogs coat will look better!
If you have a dog that requires a collar on t all times, look into getting a soft collar with no seams or hardware on it, this will help with matting and coat breakage.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Tip #1

Tip #1

If you need to bath your dog at home here are the best house-hold items to get the job done:
Dawn Dish Soap
Pantene Pro-V Conditioner
Human Hair dryer

Bath your dog with the Dawn dish soap - this is perfectly safe as they use it to wash ducks and otters after oil spills. Before rinsing off the soap put on the conditioner, work in with your fingers. Now using warm water rinse soap and conditioner off dog, trying not to knot the coat.
Note that the warmer the water you use on double coated breeds the more coat will fall out.

Gently towel dry the dog - do not knot the coat!

If you are a girl with a good bra you can take the hair dryer and put it between your cleavage, this leaves you both hands to use your comb and brush to brush out our dog.

If you let the dog air dry and it has a single coat this will cause matting. It is far easier (and better looking) to brush out the dog while it dries.
Voila! You have a clean, mat free dog.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Manic Panic

We now carry Manic Panic!!

Feel free to contact us 604-597-0415 or
Email -
if you would like to place an order for Manic Panic Products!

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Yeah! Animal Haven Grooming is getting it's 'Geek' on!
I thought this would be an easier way to add photos on a daily basis as
well as links and tips for everyone!
Of course I will now have to find something to amazing to bedazzle you with - lol!

A Wire Hair Fox Terrier.
Although lacking a bit of back leg coat, it turned out okay
...for all the Groomers looking in - his chest was not sculpted by me (he's a bit chunky)
and a vet had done some hacking on the front leg!